The Effect of ACL Intervention Programs on the Improvement of Neuromuscular Deficiencies and Reducing the Incidence of ACL Injury (A Review Article)

Document Type : Review Article


1 1. Phd Student of Sport Injuries & Corrective Exercises in University of Tehran Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science Iran.

2 2. Associate University of guilan Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science.Iran.

3 3. Assistant Professor in University of Tehran Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science. Tehran, Iran

4 4. Associate University of guilan Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science. Iran.


Background and Aim: The most common knee ligament injuries is the Anterior Aruciate Ligament tear. In addition to the high cost of treatment, damage causes loss of sports participation, creation of secondary damage and mental problems in athletes. Accordingly, prevention of ACL injuries has been given top priority in most Studies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ACL intervention programs on improvement of neuromuscular deficiencies and reducing the incidence of ACL injury.
Materials and Methods: Searching in specific scientific citations PubMed Medline و Science Direct was carried out for relevant articles with the subject coverage of "Intervention Program",   "ACL Injuries", "Neuromuscular Deficiencies" during 1996-2013.
Results: Some intervention programs (such as Sportsmetrics, PEP, KIPP, FIFA +11) resulted in a significant reduction in the rate of ACL injuries in both male and female athletes especially in individuals less than 18 ages. The result of landing force was controversial, but most of the studies have reported the reduction in hip and knee moment. Increased knee and hip flexion angles were reported in most studies, Changes and improvements over time in various activities, was different. Most studies were reported the improvement of the lower extremities in coronal plan during jump landing tasks. Improving lower extremity muscle strength following training for the hamstring, quadriceps, hamstrings ratio to the quadriceps and early onset of hamstring activity and decreased onset of quadriceps were reported.  
Conclusion: Selection of appropriate ACL intervention program according to age, sport, and personal characteristic for improving neuromuscular index (corrected hamstring and quadriceps muscle activation patterns) improvement of the biomechanics of movement (landing softer with increased knee and hip flexion and decreased knee Valgus) improving landing pattern and reduction in ACL injury rates are effective.



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Volume 4, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
July and August 2015
Pages 159-169
  • Receive Date: 21 June 2014
  • Revise Date: 24 September 2014
  • Accept Date: 31 October 2014
  • First Publish Date: 22 June 2015