Determination factors affecting computer based assessment for selective attention in children with first grade of elementary

Document Type : Original article


1 1. MSc, Department of Occupational Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD, Department of Occupational Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 3. PhD, Department of Occupational Therapy, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

4 4. PhD, Department of Physical Therapy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Aim: The role of selective attention in promote of learning and memory particularly in academic success is very important. Computerized assessment of attention recently, due to the high precision and attractive are looking more by researchers. The purpose of this study was to determination factors influencing the computer based assessment of selective attention in children with 7 to 8 years old.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study 20 experts in specialized fields related to cognitive sciences and computer science was invited and ask them to Complete picture banks including 600 pictures and questionnaire including 10 questions  related to type, shape, color, location, speed, orientation of target movement during watch picture on screen.
Results: Score means of experts to each of the factors influencing selective attention and to any of the picture stimulus on computer based assessment had been carried all of experts accept with 100% related to type ,size, color and the  color of target and background not accept by all of experts.
Conclusion: To make the computer based assessment of selective attention in children is essential to consider the combination of impact factors. These factors can make to children's tasks or even computer games can be used for Inventors.


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