Comparison of Balance and Determination of the Efficiency of Involved Sensory Systems among Soccer Players, Swimmers, and Non‌-Athletes

Document Type : Original article


1 MSc in Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Health and Sport Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Sport Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aims: Balance is generally defined as the ability to maintain the body’s center of gravity within its base of support. Both static and dynamic balance require integration of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory inputs to produce a proper efferent response to control the body within its base of support. With regard to the importance of balance in sport activities and prevention of injuries, there is a question whether continuous participation in sport activities and the nature of the sport can cause a difference in efficiency of the involved sensory systems in postural control. The aim of the present study was to compare efficiency of involved sensory systems among swimmers, soccer players, and non­-athletes.   
Materials and Methods:  In the current study, Centers of foot pressure of 3 homogeneous groups, consisting of 30 soccer players, 30 swimmers, and 30 non-athletes were assessed using Biodex balance system according to the modified CTSIB protocol. One-way ANOVA and LSD post hoc test were run in SPSS, version 24, with the p-value set at p≤0.05.
Results:The results showed that soccer players and swimmers had better dynamic balance compared with non-athletes. There was no significant difference among static balance of the three groups. Also, we found that soccer players and swimmers had better visual system efficiency compared with non-athletes. The soccer players had higher somatosensory system compared with non-athletes and the swimmers had the highest vestibular system efficiency.
Conclusion: According to the results,it seems that swimming as a sport activity can enhance the efficiency of visual and vestibular systems and playing soccer can enhance the efficiency of visual and somatosensory systems. Then, it is advised that swimmers should pay attention to somatosensory system efficiency in addition to vestibular system efficiency and soccer players should consider enhancing vestibular system efficiency beside somatosensory system efficiency in their balance training.


Main Subjects

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Volume 9, Issue 2
July 2020
Pages 178-187
  • Receive Date: 16 July 2019
  • Revise Date: 31 August 2019
  • Accept Date: 22 September 2019
  • First Publish Date: 21 June 2020