Relationship between Forward Head and Thoracic Hyper-Kyphosis Posture and Pulmonary Function, Spinal Deformities, Neck, and Shoulder Muscle Strength and Range of Motion: A Cross-Sectional Study

Document Type : Case Report


1 MSc. Student, Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises Department, Sport Sciences Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.


Backgrounds and Aims: It is unclear how thoracic hyper-kyphosis (THK) and forward head posture deformities (FHP) relate to physical function. The purpose of the current research was to study the relationship between forward head posture (FHP) and thoracic hyper-kyphosis (THK) and pulmonary function, spinal deformities, neck, and shoulder muscle strength and range of motion (ROM).
Materials and Methods: In the present descriptive correlational study, after screening 80 patients via flexible ruler and posture assessment tools, 40 individuals who had inclusion criteria were recruited. Study variables were measured using an evaluator. We used Photography and Image J software to evaluate FHP, Spinal mouse to evaluate spine deformities, Spirometry to evaluate pulmonary volumes, PT-Scan to evaluate postural sways, Pull-Push-Dynamometer to evaluate muscles strength, and the Babble Baseline Inclinometer was used to assess neck and shoulder ROM. Pearson’s r was run to assess the relationship among variables.
Results: The results showed that FHP had a negative correlation with trunk extension (P=0.029), neck flexion (P=0.010), and shoulder adduction (P=0.018) ROM, positive correlation with shoulder flexors (P=0.010) and abductors (P=0.010) strength as well as negative correlation with FEV1/FVC (P=0.004) and FEV1 (P=0.024). THK posture, also, had a negative correlation with trunk flexion (P=011), neck flexion (P=0.009), and shoulder adduction (P=0.049) ROM, but its had a positive correlation with lumbar lordosis (P=0.004).
Conclusion: Based on our results, THK was associated with neck and trunk flexion, shoulder adduction ROM, and lumbar lordosis. Also, FHP was associated with trunk extension, neck flexion and shoulder adduction ROM, shoulder flexor and abductors strength, and pulmonary function.


Main Subjects

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Volume 9, Issue 4
January 2021
Pages 216-227
  • Receive Date: 24 March 2020
  • Revise Date: 13 April 2020
  • Accept Date: 19 April 2020
  • First Publish Date: 21 December 2020