Papers Submited of Admission

Document Type : Letter to Editor


Department of Physiotherapy, School of Rehabilitation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this letter to the editor is to provide an insight into the editorial process from submission to publication. There are many guidelines for authors before submission for the manuscript preparation to help their manuscript be processed faster; however, if the editors do not follow them, it will be less likely to process the submissions in a short time. After submission, the chief editor consults with the associate editors to decide whether to reject the manuscript or send it to the reviewers. If not rejected, it will be carefully assessed by a checklist in terms of different technical issues based on the instructions for authors exist in the journal website. The authors should ensure that they comply with instructions. This can speed up the process. A template is usually available for them in this regard. The second step is to select qualified reviewers for the manuscript. This is a very important step in the editorial process. The reviewers should be invited based on the relevance of their profession to the topic of the submitted manuscripts, and also based on their previous reviews. Since the “Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine” is a multidisciplinary journal, a large group of professionals are cooperating in the reviewing process.  The reviewer comments are sent back to the authors, and the amendments and responses of authors should be sent back to the reviewers. This process may be repeated for several times until the reviewers are satisfied with the responses and revisions of authors.   

The purpose of this letter to the editor is to provide an insight into the editorial process from submission to publication. There are many guidelines for authors before submission for the manuscript preparation to help their manuscript be processed faster; however, if the editors do not follow them, it will be less likely to process the submissions in a short time. After submission, the chief editor consults with the associate editors to decide whether to reject the manuscript or send it to the reviewers. If not rejected, it will be carefully assessed by a checklist in terms of different technical issues based on the instructions for authors exist in the journal website. The authors should ensure that they comply with instructions. This can speed up the process. A template is usually available for them in this regard. The second step is to select qualified reviewers for the manuscript. This is a very important step in the editorial process. The reviewers should be invited based on the relevance of their profession to the topic of the submitted manuscripts, and also based on their previous reviews. Since the “Scientific Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine” is a multidisciplinary journal, a large group of professionals are cooperating in the reviewing process. The reviewer comments are sent back to the authors, and the amendments and responses of authors should be sent back to the reviewers. This process may be repeated for several times until the reviewers are satisfied with the responses and revisions of authors. 


نامه سردبیر
هدف سرمقاله حاضر این است که دریچه‌ای را به روی روند ویرایش مجله باز کند و بینشی از روند واقعی‌ای که هر نسخه مقاله از لحظه ارسال تا انتشار پشت سر می‌گذارد، ارائه دهد. مراحل بسیاری وجود دارد که نویسندگان می‌توانند قبل از ارسال انجام دهند تا مطمئن شوند امور مربوط به مقاله آن‌ها سریع‌تر از حد انتظارشان انجام می‌شود. با‌این‌حال، اگر نویسندگان از دستورالعمل‌ها پیروی نکنند، نمی‌توانند کار زیادی برای کوتاه‌تر کردن روند مقاله از ارسال تا انتشار انجام دهند.
در اولین گام پس از ارسال مقاله، سردبیر به ویراستاران مشاوره می‌دهد و تصمیم به رد مقاله یا حفظ آن بر‌اساس موضوع تحقیق گرفته می‌شود. در‌صورت رد نشدن، مقاله با چک‌لیستی برای مسائل مختلف، مشابه چک‌لیست «دستورالعمل نویسندگان» در وب‌سایت مجله به‌دقت ارزیابی می‌شود. اولین چیزی که نویسندگان باید در نظر داشته باشند این است که مقاله آن‌ها باید صددرصد با فرمت نگارشی مجله مطابقت داشته باشند. این امر باعث صرفه‌جویی بسیار در زمان می‌شود. الگویی ارائه شده است تا کار نویسندگان را در این‌باره راحت کند.
مرحله دوم انتخاب داوران واجد شرایط برای مقاله خواهد بود که بخش بسیار مهمی در روند چاپ مقالات است. ما باید داوران را با توجه به مرتبط بودن زمینه تخصصی آن‌ها با موضوع مقاله و مهم‌تر از همه بر‌اساس سوابق داوری قبلی آن‌ها دعوت کنیم. ازآنجاکه مجله ما، مجله‌ای چند‌رشته‌ای است، گروه زیادی از متخصصان مختلف در روند داوری مقالات با ما همکاری می‌کنند.
امتیاز داور به نویسندگان گزارش می‌شود و اصلاحات و پاسخ آن‌ها را مجدداً داوران بررسی می‌کنند. این فرایند ممکن است چندین‌بار تکرار شود تا داوران از کیفیت علمی مقاله اطمینان حاصل کنند.

Volume 11, Issue 5
November and December 2022
Pages 678-679
  • Receive Date: 03 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 11 November 2022
  • Accept Date: 16 November 2022
  • First Publish Date: 22 November 2022