The effect of ankle kinesio tape on knee kinematics during consecutive jump task in flat footed people

Document Type : Original article


1 Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Department of Corrective Exercises and Sport Injury, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran



Background and Aims: Flat foot deformity can cause some changes in the kinematic of the lower limbs and, as a result, increase the probability of injury in the knee joint. Considering the benefits of using ankle kinesio tape (KT) in correcting the feet position, the aim of this study was to answer the question of whether the use of ankle KT in flat footed people can change the knee joint kinematics during a functional task or not.

Materials and Methods: For this purpose, 30 males with flat feet were selected purposefully and evaluated in three times (pre-test, immediately after ankle KT and 30 minutes after that). The investigated kinematic indicators included valgus and knee flexion angles during the consecutive jump task, which were evaluated using two-dimensional methods and Kinovea software. Finally, a Repeated Measures ANOVA test was conducted to compare the obtained data from multiple times of assessment.

Results: Data analysis showed a significant difference between knee valgus angle before and immediately after ankle KT (P<0.05). However, the changes in knee flexion angle before and immediately after KT were not significant (P>0.05). The results also showed no significant difference between the research variables before and 30 minutes after ankle KT (P>0.05)

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be recommended to flat footed people to use of ankle KT and improve their knee kinematics for preventing its possible injuries, while in order to reach the maximum efficiency in improving knee kinematics, they should pay attention to other interventions other than use of KT.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 11 February 2024
  • Receive Date: 30 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 02 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 11 February 2024
  • First Publish Date: 11 February 2024