Stress, Anxiety and Depression in Olympic Athletes

Document Type : Original article


1 Ph.D student in Psychometric. Allameh Tabatabaie University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associated Professor, Psychiatrist, School of Rehabilitation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

3 Physical Education Student, Tehran University. Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Little study about psychological health has been done in the sports setting. The present study was designed to assess depression, anxiety, stress, in a sample of athletes at the elite level.
Material & Methods: In this descriptive comparative study, sample contains 63 highly successful athletes who won medals in competitions such as Olympics. Sixty three elite athletes-(35 male -28 female) with mean age 23.95 (SD=7.32) were evaluated by DASS 21 test. We assigned them in two groups-(active and inactive athletes). There was a third control group including 70 subjects with same age and sex and education without history of sport activity.
We used ANOVA test to determine differences in outcomes between groups. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software.
Results:In the present study, mean age of 63 participant was 23.95 (SD=7.32). In Athletes group and control group included 35 (56%) male and 28 (44%) female, and 27 (41%) male and 39 (59%) female respectively. The results of ANOVA test for comparison among three groups (active and inactive‎ athletes and normal) did not show significant difference on depression, anxiety and stress variables.
Conclusion: Our results indicated that there is not any significant difference on depression, anxiety and stress between the elite athlete and general population.


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