Occupational Performance Coaching: A Descriptive Review Article

Document Type : Review Article


1 PhD Student in Occupational Therapy, University of Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Occupational Therapy, Member of Faculty of University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tehran, Iran

3 Phd in Occupational Therapy, Member of Faculty of University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tehran, Iran

4 Assisstant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

5 Assisstant Professor of Occupational Therapy, University of Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: Occupational performance Coaching is an intervention to work with parents to achieve the goals of their occupational performance as well as their children. The present study intends to define and review the studies carried out in this area.
Materials and Methods: To carry out the present descriptive review article, a comprehensive search was performed using the key words: coaching, occupational performance coaching, and occupational therapy in the following databases: CINAHL, Medline, Science Direct, Pubmed, Wiley Online Library, ProQuest, ProQuest Dissertations, and Google scholar, during the period 2009 to 2014.
Results: Three articles and a Master’s thesis, examining the impact of implementing Occupational Performance Coaching by occupational therapists on clients with various conditions, were identified. Because of the small number of studies in this area, regardless of the methodology, based on the inclusion criteria, all the four interventional studies were selected. The remaining articles were used to support the findings.
Conclusion: Occupational performance Coaching is according to the core of occupational therapy and since it a family-centered method, it is an appropriate intervention for parents. However, due to the shortcoming of the existing studies, more studies should be conducted with stronger methodologies.


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Volume 5, Issue 1
March and April 2016
Pages 183-189
  • Receive Date: 01 August 2015
  • Revise Date: 09 September 2015
  • Accept Date: 22 October 2015
  • First Publish Date: 20 March 2016