Keywords = Static balance
immediate Effects of kinesiotaping on static balance, dynamic balance , gait velocity and spasticity of lower limb muscle in chronic stroke patient

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 January 2025


Mobina Alimohammadi; Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban; Khosro Khademi-Kalantari; Atefeh Aminian Far

The Effect of a Fall Proof Training on Balance and Fear of Falling in Older Women

Volume 11, Issue 6, January and February 2023, Pages 988-1001


Ebrahim Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah; Leila Farnian

The Effect of Motor Interventions on Improving The Balance of the Intellectual Disability: A Review of Literature

Volume 11, Issue 4, September and October 2022, Pages 488-503


Parisa Sedaghati; Hassan Daneshmandi; Hamid Zolghadr

A Review of Assessment Methods for Postural Control and Balance in Intellectual Disabilities

Volume 11, Issue 4, September and October 2022, Pages 504-517


Esmail Balayi; Parisa Sedaghati; Hamed Zarei

The Static Balance Performance Prediction Based on Arousal and Activation in Circadian Rhythm

Volume 11, Issue 3, July and August 2022, Pages 438-451


Amir Hamzeh Sabzi; Mohammad Vaez Mousavi; Pouneh Mokhtari

Effect of a Multi-Sensory Training Program on The Balance of Older Women With Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Volume 11, Issue 1, March and April 2022, Pages 154-167


Monireh Asadi Ghaleni; Mahdi Sohrabi; Hamid Reza Taheri; Mehran Homam

Comparison of Static, Dynamic Balance, Knee Joint Position Among Healthy Women and Those Infected with COVID-19

Volume 10, Issue 5, November and December 2021, Pages 1066-1079


Salehe Negarestani; Mohammadreza Amirseyfaddini; Abdolhamid Daneshjoo; Masoud Karimzadeh; Sheida Shourabadi

Static and Dynamic Balance in Women with and without Stress Urinary Incontinence

Volume 9, Issue 3, November 2020, Pages 197-204


Marzieh Ahmadi; Farideh Dehghan Manshadi; Abbas Rahimi; Alireza Akbarzadeh Baghban

Effect of Core Stability Training on the Balance and FMS Scores of Adolescent Soccer Players

Volume 9, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 61-70


Abdolrasoul Daneshjoo; Atena Eslami; Seyed Kazem Mousavi Sadati

Investigating the Relationship between Core Muscle Endurance with Movement Function and Postural Control in Blind People

Volume 9, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 148-157


Mohammad Karimizadeh Ardakani; Mohammad Hani Mansori; Mohammad Hamzeh Hamzeh shalamzari

Effects of Whole Body Vibration on Static Balance in Flat Foot During and after the Developing Age after Fatigue

Volume 8, Issue 4, January 2020, Pages 269-279


Aliakbar Pahlevanian; Kazem Mousavi Sadati; Mohammad Ali Aslankhani; Saleh Rafiee

The Effect of Ball Exercises on Static and Dynamic Balance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Volume 6, Issue 3, September and October 2017, Pages 118-124


Aghdas Babadi; Gholamhossein Nazemzadegan; Habib Hadianfard

Effect of the Medial Longitudinal Arch Height of the Foot on Static and Dynamic Balance of Male Collegiate Athletes

Volume 6, Issue 2, July and August 2017, Pages 1-10


mohammad hasan Kordi Ashkezari; Foad Seidi; Mohammad Hosein Alizadeh

Effects of a Training program of Rope Skipping on the Balance of Educable Mentally Retarded Boys

Volume 5, Issue 2, July and August 2016, Pages 1-8


Saied Ilbeigi; Mahdi Mahjur; Mahin Khirkhah; Jafar Khoshbakhti

Effect of eight weeks of balance training on static and dynamic balance in boy students with inflexible flat foot

Volume 5, Issue 2, July and August 2016, Pages 158-172


Seied Mohammad Reza Chehri; Ramin Baluchi; Rasul Eslami; Ehsan Zareian

Investigating static balance and lower extremity kinematics during Walking in patients with Genuvarum

Volume 4, Issue 4, November and December 2015, Pages 148-155


Abolfazl Mirzadeh Moghaddam; Seyyed Mojtaba Soltandost Nari; Nahid Khoshraftar Yazdi